A&A Ep. 100
Karrie: [00:00:00] Welcome to Awakened and Alive After 40.
Dominique: If you're searching for inspiring and easy to apply Enneagram and Human Design content, then you've come to the right place. We're your hosts, Dominique.
Karrie: And Karrie, two friends and coaches who are passionate about sharing our knowledge and insights on these two powerful self-awareness systems to help you step outside the box and into a life that is true to who you really are.
Dominique: We're so grateful to have you here. Let's jump into today's episode.
Karrie: Welcome back to the 100th episode of The Awakened and Alive After 40 podcast. Dominique and I cannot believe we have already reached 100 episodes. The time has flown by for us.
Dominique: Insane.
Karrie: We wanted to do something a little different, a [00:01:00] little special for this episode. So we were brainstorming all sorts of ideas, and we came up with the idea of just sort of letting our hair down and talking about all the stuff that Dominique and I talk about offline together, which most people would probably deem to be a little bit out there or weird or strange. And we thought, what the heck, let's do a whole episode where we're talking about all this kind of strange, mystical, different kind of stuff that we normally wouldn't talk about in an episode, but this is more just for fun and for us to share some of these really interesting theories, ideas, and perspectives.
Dominique: Yeah, yeah. And I always think of the movie Beetlejuice and Lydia in the movie, and when she says, I myself am strange and unusual. I related to her so [00:02:00] strongly because I felt very strange and unusual with my curiosities growing up about what was out there. Like, why do certain things happen? I'm really excited for us to talk a little bit more with our listeners and just share more about the topics that have been really fascinating for us. First off, whenever we have communication, Karrie, like we just sit down and we talk about just all the stuff happening in the world, I've noticed that we're often talking about what's happening in our bodies as a result of these things. Like for example, solar flares. That's something that I'm hearing more and more people talk about and make connections to. I know for the past, what was it, like year and a half or so, the solar flares have been insanely intense, which has created a lot of strange physical symptoms and ailments for people that are unexplainable. I know for myself, I've had a lot of strange physical [00:03:00] things happening that I'm not going to say it's causative from this, but it certainly correlates to these spikes that we've been having and certain days are stronger than others. I know you pay attention to some people on Instagram, you find some information on that. What are your thoughts about the solar flares and how they have been impacting you recently?
Karrie: Oh man, yeah. I try not to look ahead because I don't want to like have my mind psychosomatically create things. But if I'm feeling off, I'll go look up what's happening with the space weather and solar activity, and it's usually, like you said, correlated somehow. My sleep has been really disrupted. I've always been a really good sleeper with no sleep issues, no problem sleeping, and that is where I have found I just have this like buzzing energy in my body when this solar radiation is hitting the earth. People who know a lot more than I do about it say that your [00:04:00] body is going to be impacted by this unusual level that we're not used to of radiation emitting from the sun, which is essentially, as I understand it, what's happening when the solar flares come off of the sun toward the earth. I've also heard people having a lot of gut issues. So like if people are purging in some way out of their bodies, this can be related to that. And a lot of us are just trained to think it's, oh, I ate something bad, or maybe I feel nervous about something, but it could also be from solar flares. Also the Schumann resonance of the Earth, which is like taking a pulse of the internal frequency of Earth itself has been sort of all over the place. And I don't know if that's related to the solar flares or if they're independent of each other, but that can also impact our bodies.
Dominique: Yeah. And I've noticed that whenever I am looking at graphs showing the intensity of the solar flares, it's the Schumann resonance that's kind of giving a better idea of it. [00:05:00] When it comes to symptoms, because I've just been so fascinated with it, and I've been researching some other symptoms, and for those listeners out there who are maybe curious to learn a little bit more, like anxiety is huge. Insomnia, like you mentioned, Karrie. Digestive issues are a big one. Buzzing, vibrating in the body. The ears ringing, things like that. These are just a few other symptoms that someone can experience if they are really sensitive to these flares. And I know for myself, I am extremely sensitive to any shifts in energy. Like you, Karrie, I don't look ahead or even in the moment because I try to stay present with what it is that I'm feeling and just address it right then and there. But I will look back because I'll keep track of my symptoms. And then I might look back a week ago or even a month ago and see if there's any connection. And most often it's when there is. [00:06:00] there has been a huge increase in that Schumann resonance. For me recently, what I've been getting is a strange buzzing sensation from like my knees down to my feet. We had a mini earthquake here in Maine a few weeks ago, and it was wild. I've never experienced that. It was like 2. 8, nothing major. But my mom and I were sitting on the couch. We felt this shaking and vibrating. We kind of knew like what it was because it was too obvious. But shortly after that, my legs started vibrating from the knees down. I was just sitting with it thinking like, what is happening? What is going on? And in my mind, all I could think of was the earth, the shaking up of the energy. I went outside and I grounded myself, and shortly after the buzzing stopped. For me, I'm someone where I have to see consistent proof of something before I say, oh, yep, that is what it is. And [00:07:00] I have consistently done this as I've felt vibrating in my legs, I will go outside and ground my energy with the earth and that subsides within a few minutes. I just think it's so fascinating how these flares and the shifting of the Earth can have this impact on our physical bodies.
Karrie: Yeah, for sure. I've been trying to be more intentional with grounding as well, just because of how good it is for the overall body. It contributes to feeling more balanced, feeling more present within yourself, and releasing some of these energies back into the earth can feel like a big relief after you stand on the ground itself.
Dominique: Yeah, and I mean, of course, this sounds pretty out there for a lot of people listening, probably like, ah, really? But science shows we are all made up of energy. Energy vibrates, our frequencies [00:08:00] attract or repel. When we can just come to that understanding and acceptance that we are going to be interacting with all different areas, then that's where for me, it just gives me a little bit more peace of mind knowing that I am this connected to what is happening to our earth because of what's happening in the universe and with the shifts in the planets, and that just feels like such a cool thing to me, to know that I am a part of all of this. It has been a big part in my journey to better loving myself, better loving others around me, and shifting into that mindset of we are all connected through love. And this kind of brings on that next part that I wanted to mention is the consciousness of the world, which is an area that is also starting to be talked about more often, specifically shifting from a 3D consciousness to [00:09:00] 5D consciousness, which is part of what's happening with these solar flares too, because of the impact they're having on our frequency and within even our DNA.
Karrie: Yeah, we started kind of easy with our topics with solar flares, because that is physically for sure happening. And now we're going to talk a little bit higher level consciousness stuff that we don't necessarily see happening, but there's enough evidence out there that people are starting to feel that it is happening. A lot of people are saying that what's happening with the energy coming off the sun is planned, intentional, is part of a higher plan that's happening to the whole universe. It does have to do with increasing each of our consciousnesses and shifting, like Dominique said, from the current 3D reality that we all live in through 4D through 5D, which is sort of where [00:10:00] people believe we are headed.
Dominique: What I had to wrap my head around and maybe you felt this way to, Karrie, was I was thinking about oh It's something that I'm gonna see, like all of a sudden everything's gonna look different when we shift to that 5d consciousness. What I have read and what I have researched, it has nothing to do with actually changing what you're seeing in reality. It has everything to do with like the 3D is that physical plane where everything is based off of how much money you might have to care for yourself and what your status is within society. It's also a lot of fear-based ideas and thoughts, whereas that 5D level is more of that trust, ease, being able to surrender, recognizing that we are all in this experience together. We're not [00:11:00] separate. We're all the same. We all come from the source of love. And I've noticed over the past year, probably that I have been able to maintain that mindset much more easily, where when so many people around me see nothing but chaos and destruction and fear, because yes, yeah, that is around us for sure. There's no denying that. I mean, there's horrible things happening all the time, but I am able to hold on to all of the good that is also happening too, because it's there. When we get stuck in this fear mindset, it's not as easy to see that though. I was very much based in that 3D mentality and consciousness for most of my life. And it's not until recently where I have been feeling more of that shift into seeing the love around me, seeing that I am one, not separate with others. And it is just [00:12:00] such a beautiful transition. That's what I try to remind myself of when it comes to discussions that you might hear out there of 3D versus 5D. It's how you're feeling inside the frequency, the vibration that you're living within.
Karrie: And another correlation or way to put it is in the 3D or how we've been living for hundreds of years is that the emphasis and the focus was put on the material plane. Actual objects and mass and money and wealth and things like that, like you said, Dominique. In 5D it's shifting to more energetic. So exchange of energy is going to be very important. People are going to be much more aware of energy that not only we are energetic beings, but everything in our world is made of energy. And that's going to be a bigger commodity than money or material items like we're used to.
Dominique: It makes me so excited to think that is where things [00:13:00] are moving. I know we've talked before that we're seeing that within other coaches and their offerings to where they're offering their service in exchange for your service. So it's offering your knowledge, your gift to others in exchange for their gift instead of the exchange of currency. When I first saw that happening, I think it was Natalie from Soul Shine Astrology. She started to talk about how she was going to do that within her business. And I was like, that is genius, because especially as individuals like you and I, who are here to try to make as much change within our own lives to have that overflow into the changes that are happening within the planet and the solar system right now, just being a part of the whole, this really lights me up to think that we can start shifting into let's share each other's gifts so that we can just be the best human beings [00:14:00] possible together. And it's not like a dog eat dog world like it has been.
Karrie: Another idea out there that is very popular, at least in some of the more conspiracy theory focused arenas, is that we could be living in some type of simulation and that our human bodies are sort of like these avatars experiencing it. And we're here to just go through these lessons, sort of like a video game, and have these learning experiences where we quote unquote up level. What do you think about that, Dominique?
Dominique: See, and I was just gonna ask you, because right away I think of, of course, the movie, Avatar, and then The Matrix. How did someone come up with this wild idea that was very detailed with how things work? And part of me is like, because this person already experienced it with this knowledge of The Matrix, of Avatar. That's right away where [00:15:00] my mind goes, it's like, because they've already experienced this type of reality. Now it's coming to entertainment purposes where it gets people's attention, of course. Who doesn't love sci fi and thinking of all of the wild possibilities. It's something that I am certainly more open to now, whereas before not not much. I was just like nah, that's great. That's a fun fiction or sci fi type of movie that is obviously not real. But nowadays I... you know, I've shifted my thinking a little bit.
Karrie: Well, yeah, I mean I feel like when The Matrix came out in 1999, I believe, we were all just like, oh, what a cool movie, total sci fi. And nowadays, you talk to the average person who has seen The Matrix and seen it recently, and they're just like, yeah, it hits a little too close to home now. Like, it doesn't feel the same way it felt in 1999, which felt just like a far fetched fantasy type [00:16:00] movie. And now people are connecting with it completely differently.
Dominique: Yeah, absolutely. And if you believe that the consciousness of the planet is elevating year after year, like to me, that makes sense that people are going to be more open minded nowadays to look at, hey, this is a possibility. We only know what we know. We don't know what we don't know. The one thing I have tried to be really cautious of is knocking something down, because right away, I'm like, oh, no, that can't be possible. I have to pause. I have to really put myself in place and be like, wait a minute. You don't know this. You can't be 100%, true about this, so give it a chance. That's why I've definitely been more open to the possibility of this being kind of a system that we are pawns, not pawns, but you know, it's a game, the game of life.
Karrie: Yeah. And what you just said is how I've within the past year [00:17:00] or so been trying to live my whole life. It's just like open to the possibility of it all.
Dominique: Right.
Karrie: Don't be surprised by anything. Don't be so stuck in one way of thinking that just because humans have believed this for however many years that that is set truth because we just don't know. We don't even know what we don't know.
Dominique: Yeah, exactly. What harm does it do to really think big like that, to think out there. I mean, you and I, obviously we're not just jumping right on the first thing that we're being told. I think it's responsible to certainly do your research about these things. Just get to better understand why you might feel certain way about a topic that we're discussing now or that you've heard. Another one for me is the topic of star seeds and the blue light beings who are coming from other universes. And the [00:18:00] whole purpose that they serve here is coming to the planet to raise the consciousness, to guide people to living more from a place of love and not division. So that's another area where I've really gone down the rabbit hole. And I'm like, you know what? Let me just read more about it. Let me learn more about it. I'm not going to say no way that can't be happening. Because I don't know. And there's nothing wrong with maybe believing it, maybe not. But it's just a cool possibility.
Karrie: Right. And just 'cause ' we can't see something doesn't mean others aren't seeing and experiencing it. Because we all have such different gifts and talents and abilities, that I'm not going to necessarily question people who do have this more clairvoyant gift of being able to see these other realms and these beings from other realms, because I think that it's [00:19:00] been intentionally done to make us feel like, oh, they're crazy, because the current controlling powers on our planet don't want people to understand and know about these other entities and these other higher level powers that people are realizing they have.
Dominique: Yeah. Ultimately with everything that we are talking about and sharing here today, kind of bringing the woo out. This is something that Karrie and I are obviously super passionate about. I mean, if you've been listening to us for a while, you may recognize that we are spiritual beings. We love to talk about and have conversation on what it is to be a spirit in a human body, having this experience that you're having right now. These are areas where we're constantly exploring, and if anything, we hope that this can open some of you listeners up to being more okay with your own [00:20:00] curiosities. If you've had curiosities that are maybe too far out there to be talking about with people in your world, just knowing that this is a great time and place to be, because so much more is coming into our awareness, so many more doors are opening to spirituality, to the unknown quantum world. And it is just exciting to just dream of a planet that is more strongly anchored in love and acceptance, no matter what your thoughts and beliefs might be.
Karrie: Thank you for listening to this episode. Your support is so appreciated.
Dominique: If you'd like to have a question answered about your Human Design or Enneagram type in a future episode, you can submit it through the link in the show notes. We'd love to hear from [00:21:00] you.