A&A Ep. 94
Karrie: [00:00:00] Welcome to Awakened and Alive After 40.
Dominique: If you're searching for inspiring and easy to apply Enneagram and Human Design content, then you've come to the right place. We're your hosts, Dominique
Karrie: and Karrie. Two friends and coaches who are passionate about sharing our knowledge and insights on these two powerful self-awareness systems to help you step outside the box and into a life that is true to who you really are.
Dominique: We're so grateful to have you here. Let's jump into today's episode.
Karrie: Hello everyone. Welcome back to the Awakend and Alive After 40 podcast. Today we are really feeling inspired to talk about people who have been inspiring us recently. I think that having the magic of inspiration in our lives is something that [00:01:00] really helps keep that joy and levity and excitement for what's to come, which is really important when we may be feeling a little bit more lost or down or hopeless, having that inspiration can be really key to giving us something to feel excited about. We first wanted to talk a little bit just about reasons why we try to cultivate a sense of inspiration in our lives. And one of the reasons that I realized in myself is that I really like the connection and collaboration it can create. Dominique and me are the perfect story because I was super inspired by the content she was creating within the planner community, and I mustered up the courage to reach out to her through DMs and we started slowly building this friendship that has turned into something so much more.
Dominique: Yeah, absolutely. And that's the thing, like you just never [00:02:00] know where your inspiration or what inspires you is going to take you in life. And just a few episodes ago, we talked about cultivating a sense of wonder and excitement in your life. And I think this is a great follow up in a way because to really cultivate that wonder and excitement, inspiration is a big part of it. It's incredibly important to find the things or people or experiences that inspire us in our lives because it really brings more joy and happiness. And like you said, Karrie, like it creates stronger, more enriching connection with others. It strengthens your relationship with yourself besides with others as well. You just never know where it might take you and if you think about it, every inspiring or most inspiring thought has led to a big breakthrough of something. I mean, any car you see on the road came from a thought that [00:03:00] someone had of like, ooh, wouldn't this design be really cool? All of this technology that we have came from what if we did this or tried this? And I mean, look at what it brings to us. It's just an incredible thing to learn to trust in the things that light you up and bring that sense of wonder and follow that to bring you that inspiration for creating the life and relationships you really desire.
Karrie: Something you said just made this new thought, you just inspired a new thought in my head, that I've heard that, and it seems to be so, that technology is growing at an exponential rate because just how quickly things change and like with some technology it makes it easier to make newer, better technology. So I wonder if that's a direct result of our increased inspiration, and that's how we see it manifest is through this exponential growth in technology. And it started with small seeds of inspiration and we're all feeding off each [00:04:00] other's inspiration now so our inspiration is causing this exponential growth.
Dominique: Yeah, and it's interesting you mention it that way because right away I think of the Head Center in Human Design body graph and the Head Center is associated with the pineal gland and it's the center for inspiration. This is where if it's open then you are drawing in inspiration from the world around you. And it's like other people's inspiration, it's the things that inspire you. Now, the potential downside of it is that you could feel tremendous pressure to answer all of the questions that you might have or find answers to the thoughts. And with a defined center, it's more consistent energy for channeling that inspiration. It's a little bit more focused. I have an open Head Center. You have an open Head Center, Karrie, and so I know for me, I find myself daydreaming a lot. And [00:05:00] it's not necessarily just the things that inspire me, it's like, everything and anything. Do you daydream a lot?
Karrie: Yeah, I think I dream, and this is interesting cause it's like a little bit connected to my Enneagram type, I think, because I think a lot about like what could be, like the idealized version of Earth and how it could be and my dream scenario for how everything could work out.
Dominique: Yeah. Yeah. And I'm sure everyone that's listening, they're probably thinking, well, yeah, I, feel the same way. I'm constantly dreaming about what could be. But it's just a matter of that inspiration and then being able to translate it, which is what the Ajna Center is all about is conceptualization. It's translating that inspiration into potential third dimensional application. So this is where you start to really like build upon that inspiration and start to map it [00:06:00] out, and we both have defined Ajnas. Now with the Ajna Center, if it is defined, there's a potential for being a little more close minded, like what you believe is what you believe, and it's hard to switch that off sometimes if it's not being used in a healthy way, the energy itself. But the open Ajna, the beauty of openness is that you are open minded. You have the wisdom and gift of seeing all sides and potentials. However, with all of that possibility, then you could struggle with pressure to feel certain about something, a belief, whatever it may be. It's really about just going with the flow, not feeling like you have to be certain or have an exact answer, just being open to all the possibilities. With our defined Ajna, that's when we can really get [00:07:00] stuck in that dreaming because it's consistent. That energy is consistent, so we're trying to find a way to make these dreams a reality, these inspirations, a reality. And I find myself getting stuck in that at times and something that I try to stay aware of so I can remain open minded.
Karrie: Yeah, it is nice to have this awareness about oneself because I have always wanted to be an open minded person, but when I really reflect back, in my younger years, I was not open minded at all. I was very set in my ways, and yes, thinking my way is the right way and the only way. And that has been a big part of my own growth work, is realizing, nope, there are a lot of different ways of doing things. And my way isn't always the right way. It still feels a little uncomfortable to let that go. But it is something I bring awareness to, which is the key. Once you have awareness of this about yourself, you can choose to be different.
Dominique: Yeah, [00:08:00] exactly. The beauty of the Enneagram and Human Design, you're not putting a label on yourself, you're just using these tools to better understand yourself. Of course we talk about the conditioning and also the state of who you are in the natural being. And so what are some things or some people that are inspiring you right now or have inspired you in the past?
Karrie: In regards to the episode that came out a few weeks ago about our new passions, of course, I have a lot of Human Design inspiration right now because that's where I'm channeling a lot of my energy. Three people who come to mind are three more modern people involved with Human Design, and the reason that they have been so inspiring is because they approach their sharing of Human Design and what they have honed in on so differently. So I feel like they're so distinct from each other. Those three people are Alexandra Cole, Jenna Zoe and [00:09:00] Leah McLeod. They all have sort of their own lane within Human Design that they are following. They're very inspirational in terms of the businesses they've created for themselves, and their businesses are all very different, but they're all using Human Design as the main thing in their business that they're sharing with the world. I could listen to each of them talk. Some of them have podcasts that I listen to. Some of them have Instagram pages I follow. I'm a member of Alexandra Cole's monthly membership group, and it's been really interesting to hear her perspective and hear how she shares things about Human Design in that modality. Those are my Human Design people. What about you, Dominique, who are a few of your inspirations lately?
Dominique: So of course I have Human Design mentors that I absolutely adore and that I've worked with over the years. Sara Miller is one, and what I love about her, she's also a Projector, but she is like the embodiment of a Projector. And she's also a Mental [00:10:00] Projector. I think I've maybe met one other Mental Projector. And when I was trying to learn more about my intuition and how it works, she helped me understand it. And it's one of those things where again, if you don't experience it regularly, it's hard to explain it. So that was very helpful, and I just saw how she embodied that and how she slows down. She nurtures herself and her energy, so that she can nurture others more deeply. And that's what I wanted for myself.
Karrie: And her business model is amazing too. She's such a cool entrepreneur.
Dominique: Yeah. And my thing is I'm very inconsistent. And that oftentimes felt like something I was judged for and shamed for, and especially in my coaching business, that was something I'd be hard on. And then she put this post out where she just like big bold letters. I'm inconsistent as fuck. It's like get over it, deal with it, that is just how the energy is. It's not bad. It's not [00:11:00] good. It just is. And that just gave me that permission slip where I was like, oh, wait a minute. Yeah, why am I not okay with it? Just because everyone else believes something doesn't mean it's true. It's hard to follow that though, but that's what I love about her. And then of course, Karen Curry Parker, who is my mentor for Quantum Human Design, and I just love how she just shines pure possibility and potential. In a way it makes me feel good having mentors of all ages, and she's probably the oldest mentor that I have worked with and incredibly inspiring, love her to pieces. And then Aarona Leá, who is the creator of the Moon Deck Oracle. I recently worked with her to tap into my intuition more deeply for learning how to trust it and be more open to my environment for sensing. She's my go to person for that connection to [00:12:00] deeper intuitive knowing. As far as doctors and researchers, you've heard me talk about Dr. Gabor Maté, and he is just absolutely incredible when it comes to understanding trauma and the impact it has on the body. Also Brené Brown. I've talked about her before. I highly recommend The Call to Courage, if anyone is interested in hearing more about Brené Brown and how she has studied and researched shame for years and the results she's gotten and what she's learned is incredible. She talks a lot about that on the Netflix special, The Call to Courage.
Karrie: Hey there, friend. Have you signed up for the Awakened and Alive newsletter yet? If not, we want to invite you to get on the list so you don't miss out on the exciting new offerings we have planned for 2024.
Dominique: By receiving the weekly newsletter, you'll be the first to hear when new episodes drop, along with updates on a [00:13:00] very special project we've been working on for our amazing community.
Karrie: I'm reading one of Dr. Gabor Maté's books now, and he brings these really complicated topics in an easy to understand way through his writing. It's not, like, super high level. You don't have to be a medical doctor to understand what he's talking about. And I really, really appreciate that about him, because I think he really wants everyone to understand these things.
Dominique: Yeah. He also has a documentary. I don't know if you've seen it, Karrie, The Wisdom of Trauma. It's heavy. It's heavy, but wow does it open up your eyes to what it really is, and it helps to cultivate more compassion for each other. I highly recommend that as well if people are okay with going a little bit deeper. You definitely have to be in the right space to watch, but it's powerful.
Karrie: A couple of people I just love for their complete [00:14:00] authenticity with their online presence, who I definitely check in with daily because they just always are posting really inspiring things, and they're two totally completely different people. The first one is Ashmi Pathela. Her Instagram is just full of wisdom about being your true self and sort of seeing the world through really hopeful lenses, which is hard to come by nowadays because so many of us are just fed fear based concepts all the time. The other one is completely opposite end of the spectrum because she's very crass and like very direct and in your face, but her name is Laura Renaud. She is just like, for someone who's so young, I believe she's in her early 20s, she is super awake to just all of the shit within society and sort of all the bad stuff and she's really open to all the out there theories and breaking them down. And she brings a lot of humor to her content, [00:15:00] which can make it feel a little bit lighter because she can talk about some really heavy things But both of them are just being themselves, whether you agree with them or disagree with them, they are being completely authentic, which I really appreciate.
Dominique: That is so inspiring. When you come across someone that is so rooted in their being and authenticity, it's just, yeah. You told me about Laura a few weeks ago, and I started watching some of her videos and I was like, Oh my God, this girl is amazing. Yes. Like you said, can be real hard hitting, some of the stuff that she talks about certainly can feel out there, but even for me, I'm like, well, is it really out there though? To most people probably.
Karrie: She really just says that her mind is open to anything, so like, she doesn't say she's a flat earther, but she's like, I'm not just going to blindly believe that Earth is a sphere if I don't know for sure. So she's just like, I'm open to believing the potential and possibility to anything. And she's [00:16:00] not really out there spreading misinformation, she's just bringing all the possible ideas to light. It would be interesting to see what her chart is and see if her Head Center's defined or not.
Dominique: And I think all of this conversation in general is to inspire people to be more open minded. You don't have to agree with everything everyone says or believe what everyone says. But at least pause, listen, and I think that's a big part. We don't listen to each other. We don't at least hold space for all the potential and inspiring information that people have. You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree with it, but you know what, you can listen and then make a decision from there. When it comes to following this inspiration that all of us experience and feel deeply about certain things, I think it's always making sure that we're like always, coming from a place of love as we're sharing this [00:17:00] information with each other and just creating deeper connections with one another through the things that inspire us.
Karrie: Thank you for listening to this episode. Your support is so appreciated.
Dominique: If you'd like to have a question answered about your Human Design or Enneagram type in a future episode, you can submit it through the link in the show notes. We'd love to hear from you.