A&A Ep. 92
Karrie: [00:00:00] Welcome to Awakened and Alive After 40.
Dominique: If you're searching for inspiring and easy to apply Enneagram and Human Design content, then you've come to the right place. We're your hosts, Dominique
Karrie: and Karrie, two friends and coaches who are passionate about sharing our knowledge and insights on these two powerful self-awareness systems to help you step outside the box and into a life that is true to who you really are.
Dominique: We're so grateful to have you here. Let's jump into today's episode. Hey there, friends, and welcome back to another episode of Awakened and Alive After 40. As usual, we're so excited to have you here with us today. If this is your first time joining us, great big welcome. Karrie and I are going to be sharing some of the things that we've been really loving lately in [00:01:00] our own quest for knowledge, nurturing our curiosities. And I think this is going to be a great one for most people to hear because there's this importance of cultivating a sense of wonder and excitement in our lives that I feel is at the forefront, especially right now in how things are shifting in the world. By us sharing a little bit about what we've been working on in our own lives to cultivate this sense of wonder and to just feed our curiosities, I know I'm hoping that this can inspire at least one person out there to really follow what is lighting you up right now. And especially we're going to touch on how expectations can really take the fun out of things. And so trying to come from an area of openness and not putting so many expectations on yourself when you are exploring new ideas and curiosities in [00:02:00] life. We're going to start off first by sharing a little bit about what we have been exploring within each of our own lives recently, what we've been learning about, and what led us down that path. Karrie, you and I have talked quite a bit recently about these interests that we're diving into. I would love for you to start sharing with everyone, Karrie, what is it that is calling to you right now besides the Enneagram?
Karrie: Well, you know, I love talking about this and you and I talk about our interests all the time. But it's so funny because I don't remember exactly when it happened, maybe two months ago, you and I were talking and you started sharing some of your new interests with me and how you were feeling pulled toward learning about some new things. And it gave me this permission slip to share with you what I had been feeling because I had really been holding back. So I'd say for at least the [00:03:00] last six months or so, I have felt really pulled toward learning more about Human Design. At first I knew about my own design, and I would look at my own chart and learn about my self through this system and through being friends with Dominique, she taught me so much about myself. But I noticed I was starting to want to know about other energy types. and learn more deeply about the system as a whole. But I felt like Human Design is Dominique's thing. I'm the Enneagram person and she's the Human Design person. And I can still be a little bit rigid in my thinking and not flexible that this can be a fluid part of life. But when Dominique told me about some of her new interests I said, oh my gosh, I have an interest in Human Design, but it's your thing so I didn't want to step on your toes. Through the two of us discussing it further, we realized that we have sort of completely different interests within Human Design. Dominique is [00:04:00] really pulled toward Quantum Human Design. I feel a little bit more pulled toward traditional Human Design and even the Gene Keys, so I have been starting to research that as well. I was so relieved and happy because Dominique was nothing but supportive and excited for me. She even sent me a Human Design book that she happened to have two copies of, and I have been devouring reading that and looking at loved one's charts and everything I read, I apply to taking notes and learning about the different channels and circuitry. And I mean, there's so much to learn within Human Design. It is so interesting. I'm sure listeners can hear the excitement in my voice that I have never felt so pulled toward learning about something. I still deeply love the Enneagram. I think it is a super important framework that I will always utilize, but Human Design started just becoming a little bit more exciting and shiny. I don't know if it's because it's newer to me or if it's just [00:05:00] where I'm headed in my interest is a little bit more on the mystical magical side. And the Enneagram is a little bit more concrete. It doesn't ask us to believe in sort of these higher spiritual ideas that Human Design system incorporates.
Dominique: Yeah, and I love how you said it gave you a permission slip when I started talking about it because honestly I started talking about my interest because you're one of the only people that gets it, that I just get random bursts of inspiration that take me all different directions. And I remember when you came to me and you mentioned Human Design and you were a little bit nervous. I was so thrilled, so excited, because I mean, I of course, love nerding out and conversation about it, but I also saw how gifted you were in other ways with Human Design. Like you mentioned, you're very much more into the traditional language where I am more into that Quantum language, and both [00:06:00] serve tremendous benefit toward one's growth. So I was thrilled about it. When it comes to what I shared with you, I've recently been going down the rabbit hole, big time, with Tarot. And by the way, I don't know if you noticed how I said Tarot, there has been this back and forth, I've been trying to figure out how is it pronounced properly. Supposedly, I don't think there's a wrong or right way, supposedly it is pronounced Tarot instead of Tarot. But neither here nor there. So I have gone down the rabbit hole. I'm getting certified as a Tarot reader, and I've dived into astrology, which is very deeply linked to Human Design anyways. So I wanted to strengthen my understanding and connection to that. It kind of fell into my lap a few months ago. I just started to hear and see all of these conversations popping up within [00:07:00] my conversation with friends, with my studies on the benefits of Tarot. For me, I've always been very drawn to more esoteric modalities. I've been drawn to astrology since I was a child, to crystals, to Tarot cards. And I never really did anything with that stuff. All I knew is that, wow, this is really cool information. I would love to learn more, but at the time I was very focused on a traditional career. I have really been finding so much enjoyment, and I think as you and I are sharing right now, what we're really being pulled towards, I think one of the most important things is that we're simply enjoying it. We're not putting expectation into, is this going to make me a better coach? Is this going to make me more money? It's just something in us is being called to learn more about it. And sometimes you can't explain why that is and where it's coming from. And I know [00:08:00] every single one of us has that thing. Like for you, how you were saying you were a little bit nervous because you didn't want to step on toes, I mean, there's people out there that are drawn to something and feeling the same way, or they're drawn to something and they're like, no, this is too weird. People are going to think I'm weird, which was my thing, and why I always kept that very hush hush throughout my whole lifetime, my interest in crystals and all the esoteric modalities that I mentioned. For what I am seeking in this stage of my life is deeper connection at a soul level. I am from the belief that we are spiritual beings having human experiences. And so for me to connect more deeply to my spirit, to my soul, this is where these newer modalities for me are coming into play. And they call this divination. So these are practices of divination. If you're not familiar what that means, divination is simply, the art or [00:09:00] practice that seeks to discover hidden knowledge with the aid of psychological and ancient modalities, such as astrology, Tarot, and many other modalities as well. But one thing that I really admire about Tarot is that I know the truth of it now, as I have studied it and researched it. It is not a future telling system. It is a tool that helps you dive deeper into your subconscious mind. And it's all around the archetypes and symbolism that are seen within the cards. So, this allows you to work through a lot of layers that we would normally have greater challenge with if it was just simply trying to think our way through those layers. Whereas that's not how the subconscious mind works. It is through those archetypes and symbolism. So with me being very much into trauma-informed coaching, nervous system regulation, and mindset, that was just a given right [00:10:00] there for me to dive into it. I have really gotten sucked in the rabbit hole. I think you can agree with that, Karrie, because you've been getting lots of text messages from me on videos I'm enjoying on YouTube.
Karrie: Hey there, friend. Have you signed up for the Awakend and Alive newsletter yet? If not, we want to invite you to get on the list so you don't miss out on the exciting new offerings we have planned for 2024.
Dominique: By receiving the weekly newsletter, you'll be the first to hear when new episodes drop along with updates on a very special project we've been working on for our amazing community.
Karrie: Having someone in your life who is experiencing excitement over something that they're interested in is like a domino effect because it makes you feel their excitement and you're so excited for them and it can be really inspiring for all of us to harness that energy. And like Dominique was saying, I think today we are so [00:11:00] practical. We have been taught to make the logical, practical decisions in life, especially when it comes to what we should study in school and what career path we should take, and that's great. But sometimes this practicality overrides our childlike excitement for things that bring us joy or just spark our interests. Sometimes we can, to our own detriment, push these things to the side or sweep them under the rug, and we don't follow them. And I think that is what is dampening or sort of dulling our zest for life these days. And I think another issue that a lot of people feel is this hustle culture. Like, well, if you love something and if you have a passion, you should try to make it a side hustle and try to monetize it in some way and make some extra money. And then a lot of times that just makes the thing turn into work, and we don't need [00:12:00] more work in our life. We need more fun and joy and excitement. We really hope that, like Dominique said in the beginning, people listening to this feel our excitement and it inspires you to follow that thing that you love or that thing that you've been curious about and just wanting to learn more about. It could be anything, anything in the world.
Dominique: Yeah, absolutely. It could be how to dress up like a clown. Whatever it is.
Karrie: Learning to do magic.
Dominique: Yeah.
Karrie: Card tricks, learning to play poker, anything. I mean, it can be anything. It could be like learning the stock market, if that's super exciting and thrilling for you and it seems like something interesting, go for it. You can learn anything for free nowadays with YouTube and the internet.
Dominique: Yes, and that is a good and bad thing for me for sure since as a 1-line in Human Design, you are as well, Karrie. They say that the internet was made for the 1 profile just because of that hunger for knowledge and [00:13:00] learning in the areas that really light us up. And I think it's interesting too, when we look at it from like Human Design lens and something that was helpful for me to be more okay with just simply being curious, not having to make anything out of my interest, is coming to the realization that I am designed to be curious and insatiably curious, but not necessarily to seek answers just for simple seeking and the fun and adventure in seeking knowledge and learning. That's a major, major theme in my body graph. I had always felt that way throughout my childhood where I was just curious about everything. But of course, I maybe would start something and then leave it behind and forget about it. And then people are like, why can't you stick with something that you're interested in? And the judgment that I felt kind of put a stop to a lot of my curiosities. Because I felt like I had to do something with [00:14:00] it. With that understanding, with that new knowledge that I gained about myself, it really opened up the door to my curiosities even more so and to minimize expectation. There are no expectations on anything unless you put it on there. And there is nothing wrong with just simply practicing, making so called mistakes so that you could learn something about whatever it is you're interested in. And that gave me that permission slip, like you were talking about, Karrie, having that permission slip to be like, I'm just going to go down the rabbit hole. This is where I'm being pulled towards. And let's just get curious and see where that leads.
Karrie: Like you were saying, how this curiosity makes so much sense based on your Human Design body graph, for me as an Enneagram Type 1, I can tend to be very rigid, very black and white, very right and wrong. I was like, Human Design is Dominique's thing, Enneagram is my thing. [00:15:00] Whereas for my type, my growth path is towards Enneagram Type 7, which is all about joy, cultivating joy, excitement, loosening up in life. When you gave me that permission slip that I'm not stepping on your toes, that you are going to love that I know this system more deeply and that we can have deeper conversations and base some of our offerings more closely on this system, it gave me that permission slip to feel the joy and to not feel bad that I was doing something wrong or something like that. That is the Enneagram Type 1 thing that we get stuck in, that we are doing something wrong. This is how it is, and it's not going to change. I have felt myself lightening and going on that growth path towards Type 7 when I'm learning about Human Design, when we're talking about it, when I'm moving toward that excitement in my life,
Dominique: Yeah, I love that, and I love that now you're having that combination, that joint venture [00:16:00] with the Enneagram and Human Design because there's so much that nurture nature, and it makes sense to understand that ego structure and how you're naturally designed to live and experience life. So I love that for you. I am so thrilled for it. And with the new areas that I'm exploring, it really is, for me, based around deeper connection to my intuition. Because of the dissociation throughout my lifetime, and how open my body graph, my chart is, and how I can potentially get really mixed up in other energies that aren't mine, I have been on this path to better understanding my own inner knowing, like what is me outside of everything else that I pick up on. Tarot has allowed me to connect more deeply to my intuition in amazing ways, like I mentioned. This modality is used for getting into those [00:17:00] layers beyond to have connection with the subconscious mind and to start reprogramming old beliefs and old patterns. It's making the unconscious conscious. Actually there's many psychologists and therapists that use Tarot in their treatment protocols with patients because of the power behind that connection to the subconscious mind. And so with that deeper connection with my intuition, that is really feeding my soul and gives me a new excitement for other areas in my life. And so it's just simply like play in a way for me, where I'm using this as play to give me new excitement to have greater connection to others as well as myself. The fact that I can look at these things and be like, oh, this is just fun. I don't have to make a job out of it or do anything special with it. It's special because it is making me a better human being.
Karrie: I love [00:18:00] how you worded that, and I feel the same way. Something I've always loved to do is to find patterns and similarities and to look at the little detail of things, and I think being able to layer the Enneagram and Human Design together is something we love doing on the podcast and something that I'm always trying to do. And now that I'm actually learning more deeply about the Human Design system, I'm seeing so many cool similarities in areas where these systems can be intertwined or layered together in order for a person to understand themselves more deeply. We'll continue bringing those things onto the podcast as I'm learning more, I think it'll be easier for me to make more of those connections and bring those up, so I'm really excited to do that. I've also been dreaming up, is there some offer I could do that layers the two? I don't have it exactly planned out in my head. Like we said, I don't want to necessarily monetize this, but I think knowing this Human Design knowledge could [00:19:00] add to what I'm already doing in the world anyway. Anytime I think about any of this, I feel nothing but excitement, so that is the message to me to keep moving toward it.
Dominique: Yeah, and anything is possible with this newfound knowledge and path that you're on and that I'm on. If this is going to be put into practice outside of what we're doing within ourselves, it's coming from a place of love. The consciousness of this world is changing, and we're all trying to connect more deeply to a place of love, to ourselves, to others, and these practices, these modalities allow us to level that up. I know that this is not anything that you as a listener needs to hear from us, you have full permission to do what you want. But if someone is out there waiting for a permission slip to follow their joy, to go do that thing that they think is weird just for the hell of it, this is us giving you a permission [00:20:00] slip to just follow your joy. What is lighting you up? Go do that thing so you can be the best version of yourself possible. It is for you and for nobody else.
Karrie: Thank you for listening to this episode. Your support is so appreciated.
Dominique: If you'd like to have a question answered about your Human Design or Enneagram type in a future episode, you can submit it through the link in the show notes. We'd love to hear from you.